>Dear TinyOS developer community:
>TinyOS Extension Proposal (TEP) 113 on "Serial Communications" has
>Been released for public review. I am writing to solicit comments and
>Suggestions on TEP 113 before it is finalized. Your comments are
>Essential to providing feedback and driving revisions to the TEP. Soif you
have an active interest in the serial >communications API and
>Protocol for TinyOSI encourage you to send me comments.
>You can access the text for TEP 113 here:
>Please direct all commentsquestionsand concerns to me.
I> will collect all feedback and forward to the authors of the TEP in
>About 3 weeks.
>Matt Welsh

Greetings Matt Welsh,

I hope it is not too late to respond, and provide some feedback about TEP113

In [ 3.6 Packet Format ] the last sentence is about description of protocol
field (P) of the example shown few lines above. It is said there that value
is related to SERIAL_PROTO_ACK form the "Serial.h", which is correct, but in
same time the hex and decimal values that are shown in sentence and in
example are the original ones 0x40 (64) as they are in HDLC or in TOS1. In
TOS 2 in "Serial.h" they are different, so I think in the TEP113, the real
value 0x43 (67) should be seen, no matter that the example is not exactly
real one. This also leads that the protocol example - should be with values
from TOS2 too, like:

``7e 43 09 00 be ef 05 7d 5d 06 01 02 03 04 05 7e``

Best regards 
Hristo Bojkov
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