Kevin Klues wrote:
See the definition of the Msp430Adc12MultiChannel interface.

For any interfaces you use you have to implement all of the events
they provide.  Even if you don't want to do anything in them.  Just
leave them blank.

I got that problem fixed, thanks.

I have an unconnected now that I don't see how to do...

The latest code files for the below compiler output are on my webserver now.

The Test modules are prototypes of a 12 channel soil moisture
sensorboard, which is where I
want to Adc config data stored, and where I might add the  Read,
ReadStream and ReadNow commands even though they will not be source
The lower ch12Adc modules are more general
for any set of 6 channels muxed and all with same config, but they don't
contain the config, (on purpose), so they can be used as a mux for other
sensors by writing a different higher module.

Code files are at:

 compiler output is:

 make ecosens1
mkdir -p build/ecosens1
    compiling Testch12AdcC to a ecosens1 binary
ncc -o build/ecosens1/main.exe -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=ecosens1 -fnesc-cfile=build/ecosens1/app.c -board=ch12Adc -DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME=\"Testch12AdcC\" -DIDENT_USER_ID=\"john\" -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\"ecolab\" -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x41bf5233L -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x46cf3138L -DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x97de94e3L -lm
In component `ch12AdcC':
/opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/sensorboards/ch12Adc/ `multichannel' not connected
make: *** [exe0] Error 1

configuration ch12AdcC {
 uses  interface Msp430Adc12MultiChannel as multichannel;

  components ch12AdcP;
//  ch12Adc = ch12AdcP; //provide intfc .getData and event .dataReady
//  multichannel = Msp430Adc12MultiChannel;
 // Multi, bank (muxed bank of six)
//  multichannel -> ch12AdcP.multichannel;
  components new Msp430Adc12ClientAutoRVGC() as ch12AdcRVG;
  ch12AdcP.Resource -> ch12AdcRVG;

Any ideas?  multichannel is just the Msp430Adc12MultiChannel interface.
I've tried several wirings to no avail.

John Griessen
tinyOS devel on:  ubuntu Linux;   tinyOS v2.0.2;   telosb ecosens1
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