On 9/3/07, John Griessen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I made a component that reads three channels, and I can't get configure
> to return SUCCESS yet.  If you would take a look and see if youspot
> anything, or suggest a debugging method, I would appreciate it.

In Boot.booted() you call configure, but you need to reserve access to
the ADC before, via a to call Resource.request(). The chain of
commands (where * means zero or more times) is:

Resource.request() -> configure() -> ( getData() -> dataReady() )* ->


> For debugging, I just turn on leds to see what places the program runs.
> There is a module for a sensorboard that just is a wrapper for
> MSP430Adc12MultiChannel without using a generic module.  I use it
> in a sensorboard dir called ch12Adc containing:
> http://www.ecosensory.com/ch12Adc.h
> http://www.ecosensory.com/ch12AdcP.nc
> http://www.ecosensory.com/ch12AdcC.nc
> I run a test program from a dir called Testch12Adc containing:
> http://www.ecosensory.com/Testch12AdcC.nc
> http://www.ecosensory.com/Testch12AdcP.nc
> Makefile  with  COMPONENT=Testch12AdcC  SENSORBOARD=ch12Adc
> Testch12AdcP.nc has a Boot.booted event that does
> AdcConfigure.getConfiguration()
> then ch12Adc.configure(defaultconfig, memctl, numMemctl, buffer,
> bufferlen, jiffies)
> and in the module for  Msp430Adc12MultiChannel as ch12Adc
> I turn on leds at the getConfiguration() command and at the
> start of ch12Adc.configure, but the program does not go to
> the line where that call == SUCCESS.
> Any ideas for simplifying the configure some way until it works
> or better debug methods will be appreciated.  It is very close to the
> partial code sent by Nicolas Esteves 3aug07
> John Griessen
> --
> Ecosensory
> tinyOS devel on:  ubuntu Linux;   tinyOS v2.0.2;   telosb ecosens1
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