Hi Folks,

I am trying to write a piece of code in which I need a "remote control" to
broadcast several commands to a bunch of nodes and each of them has to
handle this message to figure out if there is any action for it.

Assuming the remote control send the command "START_EMISSION" asking to
the node with id "x" to send "SAMPLES" times of an hello msg. This is the
portion of code I wrote for the node "x". It is supposed to be a
dispatcher to decide which is the proper action associated to a given

/* When a msg is received its payload is copied in a local global
structure  and
 the dispatcher is called */
 event message_t* AMProtoReceive.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload,
uint8_t len) {
     Protocol_Msg *btrpkt = (Protocol_Msg*)(call
AMProtoPacket.getPayload(msg, NULL));

     atomic {
       P_payload.protocol_id = btrpkt->protocol_id;
       P_payload.parameter_1 = btrpkt->parameter_1;
       P_payload.parameter_2 = btrpkt->parameter_2;

     post protocol_msg_handler();

     return SUCCESS;

  /* The Dispacher  realizes the command START_EMISSION has been received
and the startEmission task is posted */
  task void protocol_msg_handler(){
    switch(P_payload.protocol_id) {
      case START_EMISSION: {
        if (P_payload.parameter_1 == TOS_NODE_ID) {
          train = P_payload.parameter_2;
          call Leds.led1On();
          post startEmission();
      case SEND_DATA: {
        if (P_payload.parameter_1 == TOS_NODE_ID)
          post sendData();

/* This task simply start a periodic time where TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION is the
the period at which the hello msg has to be sent */
  task void startEmission() {
    call Timer0.startPeriodic(TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION);

/* Each step the period is expired the emissionRadio is posted */
 event void Timer0.fired() {
     call Leds.led0Toggle();
     post emissionRadio();

/* The hello msg is built and then it is sent */
task void emissionRadio(){
    if (sample>0) {
       DTOA_Msg *btrpkt = (DTOA_Msg*)(call
AMDTOAPacket.getPayload(&pktDTOA, NULL));
       call AMDTOASend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &pktDTOA, sizeof(DTOA_Msg));
       call Timer0.stop();



/* After the confermation of the send of the msg the number of samples is
decreased */
event void AMProtoSend.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t error) {
         atomic  sample--;

The problem is that after the first hello msg is sent the node "stucks"
and I don't understand why. Can anybody help me?

Thank you,

P.S.: In attachment the full source code if you are interested.

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Attachment: NodeAppC.nc
Description: Cdf file

Attachment: NodeC.nc
Description: Cdf file


/* ID nodes */
enum {

/* Timers */
enum {
  TIMER_START=1000,			/* Microsecond */
  TIMER_SOUND=100,     			/* Milli */
  TIMER_PERIOD_EMISSION=2000		/* Milli */


/* Port for Packets */
enum {
  AM_PROTOCOL= 5, /* Port used for both commands and notification msgs*/
  AM_DTOA = 6,	 /* Port used for dtoa msgs*/
  AM_DATA= 7   /* Port used for notification msgs*/

/* Protocol Ids */
enum {
	START_EMISSION = 1,	/* To notify to start of an emission */
	END_EMISSION = 2,	/* To notify to end of an emission */
	SEND_DATA = 3,		/* To notify to send data */	
	DATA_SENT=4		/* To notify data has been sent */

/* Configuration Parameters */
enum {
	TRAINS = 1,

/* To define the structure of a msg*/

typedef nx_struct DTOA_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint16_t node_id;
} DTOA_Msg;

typedef nx_struct Data_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint16_t receiver;
  nx_uint32_t samples[SAMPLES];
  nx_uint32_t emitter;
  nx_uint32_t iter;
} Data_Msg;

typedef nx_struct Protocol_Msg {
  Note that the type nx_uint16_t is introduced.
  This type differs from the C type int16_t as
  the byte ordering is handled internally.
  nx_uint8_t protocol_id;
  nx_uint8_t parameter_1;
  nx_uint8_t parameter_2;
} Protocol_Msg;

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