I think I may have found the answer to my own question :-) but I have a new
question now, but I will put that in a new e-mail

... when LPL is doing its CCACheck routine and the energyindicator signals
its .detected() event an "off" timer is started as a one shot with a
lifetime of 100 ms (set in defaultLPL.h with a definition of
DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE 100.  Assuming energy remained present in the Channel
during this time the "off" timer would be restarted.  Energy is detected but
no packet was received this would simply cause a delay in the LPL routine.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf 
> Of Murray,
> Ben
> Sent: 27 September 2007 11:18
> To: 'tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU'; 'David Moss'
> Subject: [Tinyos-help] low power listening -- anomalous/random 100-200
> ms delay/skew?
> (TinyOS 2.0.2; Micaz; mib510; Cygwin)
> I have left a number of motes running in low power listening 
> mode and have
> observed that occasionally one or more of the motes' LPL-receive-check
> experiences a sudden delay/shift of approximately 100 ms and shortly
> thereafter a second sudden delay/shift of approximately 
> 100-120 ms.  I am
> not running any transmitters although 2.4 GHz is quite a popular
> frequency... the first time I observed it two motes 
> experienced the delay at
> the same time after three minutes of running, the second time 
> I observed it
> a single Mote experienced the delay after approximately half 
> an hour, and
> this morning one of the three motes I had left running had 
> experienced this
> delay at some point overnight.  One of the three motes 
> experienced this
> delay in all three tests, one of the motes did not experience 
> the delay at
> all, and the third Mote experienced the delay once in the 
> first test but not
> again.  When two motes experienced the delay, they 
> experienced it at what
> appeared to be the same time and the delay was consistent 
> between them.
> Is there a built-in function within low power listening that 
> initiates a
> timeout/delay-of-start with regards to the sleep interval 
> timer that lasts
> approximately 100 ms, perhaps to cope with noisy channels or received
> packets/suspected received packets?  Signal detection as 
> opposed to a random
> software/hardware error is because I have observed (using an 
> oscilloscope)
> two motes undergoing the exact same delay at the exact same time.  The
> receive event is not triggered and therefore I assume that 
> this is some
> function to deal with a suspected packet when energy is detected.
> Would it be a trivial matter for me to find this function 
> such that I could
> add an event trigger so that I know every time that LPL 
> detects Channel
> energy but subsequently does not receive a packet (assuming 
> this is what is
> causing the delay).  Perhaps something like "FalseReceive" - 
> this might
> allow me to correct the timing within my programme whenever this delay
> occurs.
> Also, if I could be directed to the exact function that would 
> be very useful
> would as it might save me a lot of time trawling through code/editing
> something incorrectly ;-)
> Many thanks
> Ben
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