Hi. I need to modify Oscilloscope application in order to obtain for each tmote 
I connect two or more sensor readings...for instance voltage from VoltageC() 
and brightness from HamamatsuS1087ParC(). Could anyone help me please? How have 
I to modify  AppC? 
components new HamamatsuS1087ParC() as light,
OscilloscopeC.Read -> light

in this way interface Read read both voltage and light and the result graph in 
java is something like this /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ obviously.
Probably I need two different interface:
OscilloscopeC.Read0  -> voltage;
OscilloscopeC.Read1 ->light;
I try to duplicate components and interfaces and modify the code in C.nc but 
doesn't work...
I have to modify OscilloscopeC.nc in order to split voltage packages from light 
packages and I have also to modify java programs but I'm not able...
if anyone can help me...maybe there is already something like this works on the 
net? thanks!
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