Does motelist work? I think the BSL program uses some moral equiv of such
to find the tmote port.


Matthias Woehrle wrote:

I got a problem concerning setting up Tunit on my macbook (osx-tiger). I run Kevin Klues' setup (_ <>).

The specific problem is that when the bootstraploader is executed, the serial port is not set (in my case: /dev/tty.usbserial-M4AJRG09, a tmote).

     [java]     installing telosb binary using bsl
     [java] tos-bsl --telosb -c  -r -e -I -p build/telosb/main.ihex.out-0
     [java] MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-telos-8

     [java] An error occoured:
     [java] could not open port: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-r'
     [java] make: *** [program] Error 1

However, serial forwarder initialization works before that:
[java] 160 [main] DEBUG - Creating serial forwarder serial@/dev/tty.usbserial-M4AJRG09:telosb [java] 205 [Thread-1] DEBUG com.rincon.tunit.sf.Sf - serial@/dev/tty.usbserial-M4AJRG09:telosb.9100: serial@/dev/tty.usbserial-M4AJRG09:115200: resynchronising [java] 205 [Thread-1] DEBUG - serial@/dev/tty.usbserial-M4AJRG09:115200: resynchronising [java] 208 [main] DEBUG - Disconnecting all serial forwarders [java] 2220 [Thread-0] DEBUG com.rincon.tunit.sf.Sf - serial@/dev/tty.usbserial-M4AJRG09:telosb.9100: server stopped [java] 3221 [main] DEBUG - Serial forwarders initialized successfully

Some output from the ant execution is attached for debug as well as my build.xml and the tunit.xml. Note that the build.xml is patched with a fork in order to accommodate for a problem with osx's AquaLookAndFeel.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="TUnit" basedir="." default="tunit">

This build.xml assumes you have sourced .tunitclasspath. Specifically, you need your $CLASSPATH pointing to all .jar files, and your TUNIT_BASE (or TUNIT_HOME, or TOSCONTRIB)
           environment variables pointing to the tunit directory,
           and your REPORTDIR defined so it knows where to store
           test reports.

      <property environment="env"/>

        <!-- Reports, archives, statistics, etc. locations -->
        <property name="tunit_base.dir" value="." />
        <property name="report.dir" value="${tunit_base.dir}/reports" />
        <property name="xml.dir" value="${report.dir}/xml" />
        <property name="htmlreport.dir" value="${report.dir}/html" />
        <property name="archive.dir" value="${report.dir}/archive" />
        <property name="stats.dir" value="${report.dir}/stats" />

        <target name="tunit">
                <delete dir="${xml.dir}" />
                <mkdir dir="${xml.dir}" />
                <java classname="com.rincon.tunit.TUnit" fork="true">
                        <arg value="-reportdir" />              
                        <arg value="${env.REPORTDIR}" />
                                <pathelement path="${env.CLASSPATH}" />

                <antcall target="tunitreport" />

        <target name="tunitrerun">
                <java classname="com.rincon.tunit.TUnit">
                        <arg value="-rerun" />                  
                        <arg value="-reportdir" />
                        <arg value="${env.REPORTDIR}" />
                                <pathelement path="${env.CLASSPATH}" />
                <antcall target="tunitreport" />

        <target name="tunitreport">
                <delete dir="${htmlreport.dir}" />
                <mkdir dir="${htmlreport.dir}" />
                <mkdir dir="${archive.dir}" />

                <junitreport todir="${xml.dir}">
                        <fileset dir="${xml.dir}" includes="TEST-*.xml" />
                        <report todir="${htmlreport.dir}" />
                <java classname="com.rincon.tunitposthtml.PostHtmlEdit">
                                <pathelement path="${env.CLASSPATH}" />

                        <format property="TIMESTAMP" 
pattern="d-MMMM-yyyy_hh-mm-aa" />

                <property name="archive.prefix" value="htmlreport_${TIMESTAMP}" 

            <tar destfile="${archive.dir}/${archive.prefix}.tar" longfile="gnu">
              <tarfileset dir="${report.dir}" preserveLeadingSlashes="true">
                <include name="html/**"/>
                <include name="stats/**"/>

                <gzip zipfile="${archive.dir}/${archive.prefix}.tar.gz" 
src="${archive.dir}/${archive.prefix}.tar" />

                        <fileset dir="${archive.dir}" includes="*.tar" />


        <target name="feedback">
                <java classname="com.rincon.tunitfeedback.TUnitFeedback">
                                <pathelement path="${env.CLASSPATH}" />

        <target name="clean">
                <delete dir="${htmlreport.dir}" />
                <delete dir="${xml.dir}" />

        <target name="cleanstats">
                <delete dir="${stats.dir}" />




        <testrun name="1_telosb">
                <mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@/dev/tty.usbserial-M4AJRG09:telosb" 
installextras="bsl, 133"/>


Note that when I would do this manually, everything works just fine, so I guess it might be something in the parser.
Anybody has this running on osx?




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Platform: WinXP/Cygwin
TinyOS version: 1.x, Boomerang
Programmer: MIB510
Device(s): Mica2, MicaZ, Tmote
Sensor board: homebrew

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