Hi Miguel

I'd suggest you use the latest tinyos-2.x from cvs repository. There was
a bug that lacked some current in sleep mode (see
An updated power trace can be found at
although there are some distrubances in the measurement, one can clearly
see, that the null app uses almost no energy.

the easiest way to put your node to LPMx is to edit the file
/tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/msp430/McuSleepC.nc and set pState to your desired
mode in getPowerState() and then run comppile the null application.

For setting pins you could use the TOSH_SET_x_PIN() macros or the
interface GeneralIO and the component Msp430GpioC.nc.

Other helpful sources:
-help mailing list
-code doc (nesdoc) at
http://www.tinyos.net/tinyos-2.x/doc/nesdoc/telosb/ or in your doc directory
-teps (for instance tep 117 for io at


migueltsilva schrieb:
> Hello Roman Lim,
> I'm from Portugal and writing my thesis. The subject is a protocol
> convergecast that saves energy by tunning the MAC protocol MH-MAC
> (http://tele1.dee.fct.unl.pt/papers/pimrc2007_mhmac.pdf)
> I'm studying the lifetime of my protocol, in the beginning I was doing
> theoretically using the values of the datasheets. But I need to make
> some measure to be more accurate.
> To the radio I already measure and obtain values equal to your, radio
> on RX 21,5mA , and radio TX 18mA.
> I have read your thesis and I'm trying to measure the energy in the
> various LPM modes in TelosB. But I already test Null App and MCU don't
> go to LPM modes. Also make an simple application to try :
> configuration MeasureEnergyAppC{}
> implementation{
>  components MeasureEnergyC;
>  components MainC;
>  MeasureEnergyC.Boot -> MainC;
>  components McuSleepC;
>  MeasureEnergyC.McuSleep -> McuSleepC;
>  MeasureEnergyC.McuPowerState -> McuSleepC;
> }
> module MeasureEnergyC{
>  uses {
>   interface Boot;
>   interface McuSleep;           //async command void sleep()
>   interface McuPowerState;      //async command void update()
>   }
> }
> implementation {
>  event void Boot.booted() {
>   call McuSleep.sleep();
>  }
> }
> But not success to measure that various LPM.
> I'm asking you if you can explain me, how can I send my Telosb (MCU)
> to LPM1 or LPM3.
> Another question is, how can I change a IO pin, and what code I must
> insert into tinyos 2.0.
> Sorry for the long text, but hope you can help me.
> Tanks
> Miguel Silva

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