
On Thu, 7 Feb 2008, Alessandro Turella wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to debug my msp430 device (Tmote Sky) with the "Blink" program using msp430-jtag. I'm using debian testing, and when i try to start the msp430gdb it returns to me an error:

"can't load library 'libtermcap.so.2'"

so i tried to install the |termcap-compat| package. but it require the old libc5 instead of libc6 required by tinyos system I installed TOS2.x on debian using the ubuntu repository... it seems to work, i can compile but not debug, anyone can help?

I recompile the gdb in order to make it work. Here are the required files plus a script automate the steps:
Note: the install path is $HOME/local.

Razvan ME
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