On Feb 15, 2008 10:18 PM, Mahesh Satharla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Omprakash,
> Thanks for your early reply.
> Sir, I dont have much idea about BaseStation( coz I haven't upgraded to
> TinyOS 2.02) but I understood that,  it replaces TOSbase of TinyOS1.x.
> Then how about TOSbase, I have seen the code but not able to understand
> clearly and how far it implements the Snooping mechanism I am looking for.
> ???
> I am working on a scenario where in few motes are deployed and running on
> Delta application.
> //
> The Delta application is an example of a multihop data collection system.
> By installing Delta on Moteiv's motes, the devices will sample their
>  internal temperature sensor and report readings to base station using a
> Multihop/Mesh
> topology  //
> the scenario is like ,  Mote A sends message to Mote B  which in turn
> forwards the message to Base Station  ,
> but Mote D should snoop the A's message.( As it is broadcast medium, surely
> Mote D receives the message from A , but  D eventually drops the packet as
> it is not destined to it. Before dropping the packet,  D needs to snoop the
> packet and see the senderID of the packet .) This is the Snooping mechanism
> I want to Implement.

You want to understand and use GenericCommPromiscuous in TinyOS 1.x.
It will be helpful for you to also study GenericComm and understand
how it is different from GenericCommPromiscuous. I do not know what
the corresponding component in Boomerang is called if you are using

- om_p
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