
Thank you so much for your detailed information.

I am new to TinyOS. Could you let me know how to measure the RSSI strength of 
one packet based on TinyOS for MICA motes?


Ken Bannister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> Could someone point out related 
paper/data that shows the RSSI 
>> propagation model in sensor networks?
>> that is, the function of RSSI received powers with distance between 
>> two nodes?
> There is nothing special about propagation by sensor nodes -- it's a 
> digital signal modulated in a certain way. So a book on wireless 
> communications would be a good place to start [1-3].
> Having said that, there are some insightful papers from the sensor 
> networking community. Zhao, Govindan [4] is widely cited as identifying 
> the "gray region" where packet reception can vary widely. Zuniga, 
> Krishnamchari [5] provides an analytical model. Srinivasan, et al. [6] 
> performed extensive experiments with Telos/MicaZ motes.
> Good luck,
> Ken
> [1] A Goldsmith, Wireless Communications
> [2] TS Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice
> [3] W Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networking
> [4] J. Zhao and R. Govindan. Understanding packet delivery performance
> in dense wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the first international
> conference on Embedded networked sensor systems, pages 1–13, 2003.
> [5] Marco Zuniga, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, "Analyzing the Transitional 
> Region in Low Power Wireless Links", First IEEE International Conference 
> on Sensor and Ad hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), Santa Clara, 
> CA, October 2004.
> [6] K. Srinivasan, P. Dutta, A. Tavakoli, and P. Levis, "Understanding 
> the Causes of Packet Delivery Success and Failure in Dense Wireless 
> Sensor Networks," Stanford University Technical Report SING-06-00.

As for specific propagation models, I focus on outdoor networks. Most often 
I read papers that reference either the log-normal shadowing model or the 
two-ray/two-slope model. The paper below references those models and 
provides plenty of empirical data.

T. Stoyanova, F Kerasiotis, A Prayati, G Papadopoulos.
Evaluation of impact factors on RSS accuracy for localization and tracking 
applications. Proceedings of the 5th ACM international workshop on Mobility 
management. 2007

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