
>The sensor board MTS420 use the UART1 of mica bus, therefore it isn't
possible to switch to UART0 of mica bus. >At tinyOS 1.x it works with
UART1 well.
OK, then you must use USART1.

>?I'm not sure what you mean with
>"USART1 is used by the radio (in SPI mode)"
>I thought the communication between atm1281 and rf230 happen about
Yes, you're right. The radio is on the SPI bus. It's the flash that's on
the USART1 (in SPI mode). If you don't use the flash though, the GPS
driver should work fine. Make sure that after calling Uart1Init.init()
you set the baud rate to 9600bps by writing the ubrr1 register to 47.
This value will be different if you operate the mote at a clock speed
other than the default 7.3MHz (see table 22-1 in the datasheet).

>Use the IRIS mote the USART1 interface for SPI? 
>I ask because the atm1281 have a seperate SPI port, therefore I thought
it should exist any restrictions for >using UART1 and SPI from the
hardware layer.
The radio is on the separate SPI, but the USARTs can be used in SPI mode
as well.

>Exists any possibility in tinyos 2.x to use SerialActiveMessage
(UART0), USART1 (raw data) and SPI for radio >together?
Yes. There may be some issues though if you want to use the flash, too.

>Or, where can I find more information about communication by UART1 in
SPI mode?
It's explained in the ATMega 1281 datasheet. ( )


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