Hi All,

I am having some probelms with radio comms. for the Mica2 mote. I have
installed CntToLedsAndRfm in Mote 1 and RfmToLeds on Mote 2, but on
switching them on, the Mote 2 does not show anything on the leds. I have
also reversed the programs and tried with other sets of motes. Interesting
the program works for my MICAZ motes. The problem is only with the MICA2
ones that I have. I am not using the xbow contributions at the moment, so
the CntToLedsAndRfm and the RfmToLeds are the ones present in the tinyos
apps. is it because of this? I remember earlier when I used to use the xbow
contribs on another old machine there was a MakeXbowLocal file. I tried
copyin that over to my new machine but starting getting several errors.

Can someone please help me with this?

Thanking you in advance.

Prashant Pillai
Tinyos-help mailing list

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