Hey all,

I've a question that I'd like you to answer me. Let's start by a small 

Ar ............. SB ............. Cr ..............Base
Given the situation, imagine that sensor SB wants to relay some information to 
the Base, but this info should be sent just using Ar or Cr. I.e just those 
sensors Ar and Cr can relay this info to the Base. The SB sensor uses the 
command CC2420Packet.getLqi(*msg) to get some Link quality  Indicator 
measurements of messages from Ar and Cr (let's assume, a type of a special 
beacon message). My question is: Does this command interface Gives the Link 
Quality Indicator in terms of SNR? or some other parameter/measurement?
Let me assume another breaking  parameter that, each control info from Cr and 
Ar contains a value dtb (distance to the Base), in this case Cr is obviously 
closer to the Base. The metric is that each hop it's equal to 1.
Ar(dtb) = 2; Cr(dtb) = 1;

typedef nx_struct{
  nx_uint8_t dtb;  //distance to the Base
  nx_uint8_t type; //info message type
  nx_uint16_t rid; //Router Id (Ar or Cr NodeID's) 

Thanks in Advance.

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