>  Can I do something like this. Instead of using the java toolchain from
>  Deluge for rebooting, create my own command and send it through
>  BcastInject to the mote. This command will have the nodeid and the
>  image number to reboot with. When the nodes recieve this command, they
>  check whether the nodeid matches their TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS. If it does
>  they would call the NetProg.reboot command , otherwise ignore the
>  message.
>  Any guidance would be appreciated

I'm planning to do something similar in my tinyos 2.x application. I
don't know if it will help you, but here is my plan:

1) Each app on the network reserves a deluge slot for themselves (app
1 'owns' slot 1, app 2 owns slot 2, etc. slot 0 is for the golden

2) Use the python tos-deluge script (not the java tool) to disseminate
updated images over the network. Just disseminate, *not* reprogram.

3) This is the magic part - apps on the motes monitor Deluge and wait
for their dedicated slot to be (completely) updated to a new image.
Then they reboot themselves into the updated image.

(3) will probably require Deluge interface updates. Probably in the
form of a new Deluge interface and a set of events your app can
respond to. Razvan might add this when he has time (we've discussed it
off-list), otherwise I'll add it my self later when I need it.


>  Regards,
>  Vishal
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