Hi all,

I'm having a little bit problem with the current T2's avr-gcc / avr-libc

I'm using tiny25 to build non-tinyos device, and the tiny25 is not
supported in the current tinyos' avr-gcc / avr-libc package (avr-gcc
3.4.4 / avr-libc 1.2.3)

I understand that most of tinyos developers may not agree to update the
avr-gcc / avr-libc to the newest version due to undiscovered
bug/unstable version, but I'm willing to take the risk to test new
compiler version (avr-gcc 4.2.2 / avr-libc 1.6.1).

Can I have the patch that you guys were implementing in T2's
avr-gcc/avr-libc package ?

Thanks a lot.


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