I present my self: I am a student who works on a sensor network project but
I didn't have a real plateform.
So I installed Tinyos1.x (version .11) because I am pressed by the Time and
I found its installation rapid and easy.
I am really needing your help, that is why I 've been encouraged to
subscrite to your Mailing List.
As a begginer, I have several questions:

   1. when I ran the simulation to extract RSSI value (using the
   CC1000radio components) I found that the RSSI value fluctuates between [00
   00 and 00 03]: (e.g 0 or 1 or 2 or 3)  these results seem to be bizarre?????
   2. My second question which will get me mad, is the usage of CC2420
   components: I added this Flag to my make file :PFLAGS= -I%T/lib/CC2420Radio
   but in the moment of compilation a lot of errors appear ? so can someone
   gives me a procedure to use CC2420 components with Tossim 1
   3. Please any interesting documents will be pleasingly appreciated.

I am really sorry for my poor English.
But trust me a really needing your help.
Best regards: Nahr elk
Tinyos-help mailing list

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