Hey all,
I'm trying to create a Packet analyzer in nesc/tinyos like Whireshark. I 
started by modifying the BaseStation. My first approach was to resize the 
messages at the BS so that a timestamp and other relevant packet header fields 
could be inserted into the payload. This allows the Java parser to decode any 
type of fields in the incoming message. I also use a configuration file(XML) 
that indicates the position and size of some fields in the incoming array of 
The process of resizing seems to consume so much time because it creates an 
additional packet, so I decide to relay the data traffic as the BaseStation 
does, and to send an addicional packet containing the timestamp and other 
header fields for each received packet. In both cases I use a circular buffer 
as the input buffer. It does not work as I expect it to work. The problem seems 
to be in the part sending to the serial port.
My question is: What´s the maximum number of packets can I send to the serial 
Interface? I'm testing the sniffer with a sensor sending data as fast as it 
can, but It seems that the Sniffer does not handle all the incoming packets. I 
do store them into an input buffer, but the speed of sending to the serial port 
seems to be the main issue.
Is it possible to use or write directly to the serial port from a nesc App 
without using the serialActiveMessageC component?
I'm thinking to embed a C code into a nesC app, so that I could access directly 
to the UART, and send the packet as sequence of bytes as It arrives.
Thanks in Advance.
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