Thanks, Dr Phlip.

On 4/8/08, Philip Levis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 8, 2008, at 4:30 PM, renjie huang wrote:
> > Hi
> > Can someone share with me experience of what routing metric is better
> > when data rate is high?
> >
> > Currently I am using MultihopLQI. When the data rate is low, it works
> > well and topology is more stable. But when data rate is high, topology
> > changes very often. It may be due to interfence from concurrent
> > transmission.
> >
> > Using SNR as link indicator may also has the same problem. Can someone
> > give me any advice on this? I don't know whether TinyOS2 introduces some new
> > link metric.
> >
> Rodrigo, Om, Kyle and I (members of net2) published a paper on the topic
> last year:
> Rodrigo Fonseca, Omprakash Gnawali, Kyle Jamieson, and Philip Levis
> "Four-Bit Wireless Link Estimation." In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop
> on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets VI), 2007.
> The short answer: using information from the physical, link, and network
> layers is superior than staying at a single layer. The paper describes how
> CTP's link estimator works, although the parameters (alpha value) have
> changed since its publication.
> Phil

Renjie Huang
Sensorweb Research Laboratory
Washington State University
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