On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 8:53 PM, Gary Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Could some expert show me: using CTP (like MulhopOscilloscope in T2), how do
> generate Figure 2 in page 4 of this paper:
> http://sing.stanford.edu/pubs/hotnets07-4b.pdf
> ?

If you look at apps/tests/TestNetwork, you will notice that the
application puts the parent id in the collection packet. You need to
do something similar in MultihopOscilloscope. When you receive that
collection packet at the base station, you can grab the parent id and
origin for each node. Once you have a set of directed edges, you can
use graphviz or other graph drawing tools to draw the topology.

- om_p
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