
I copied all the files from the CVS Repository for RssiDemo application
as my TinyOS-2.0.2 installation did not had the RssiDemo aaplication
since I think this application is a recent addition. So I copied all the
files into a folder and tried to build. I can see individual makefiles
for RssiBase\, SendingMote\ and InterceptBase\ . So, how can we build
the complete RssiDemo application. If I go individually to each
application, say RssiBase\ and do a "make micaz". It says that there is
a "conflicting type for RadioIntercept.forward" error. I went on to see
the interface "Intercept", as it already defines the "event forward"
which is why it is giving the error. And RssiBase again defines this
event, can you tell how to get around the problem. 





Varun Jain

Spiderbox Pty Ltd.

Brisbane, Australia



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