Dear all,

I'm having problems with my motes. I think they aren't 'talking' one to

My set is:

boards MPR400CB
Tinyos 2
BlinkToRadio application from

I've installed the applications by:
make mica2 install,1 mib510,/dev/ttyUSB0
make mica2 install,2 mib510,/dev/ttyUSB0

in other time

make mica2 reinstall,1 mib510,/dev/ttyUSB0
make mica2 reinstall,2 mib510,/dev/ttyUSB0

make mica2 install,1 mib510,/dev/ttyUSB0
make mica2 reinstall,2 mib510,/dev/ttyUSB0

The installation aways return sucess

But the leds never Blink.

In another time I have used Oscilloscope application and it doesn't work

Can anybody help me please? It is very important to I can go ahead.

I have 3 boards and I have done a lot of combinations beween then to
eliminate hardware problems but there is no way.

Thanks for all your help

PS: Sorry for my bad english
Rogério De Pieri (Lelo)
Buscando melhorar a cada dia
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