Thanks a lot Sir.
This was so kind of you to help me out. I hope this would suffice my purpose.
I will inform you as I get some success with this.

Thanks and Regards,
Koustubh Kulkarni,
Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Allahabad, India.

----- Original Message ----
From: Razvan Musaloiu-E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: kou ksk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 1 May, 2008 12:25:00 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Bootloader


Because I didn't update the manual yet I'm also forwarding this to the 
help mailing list.

On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, kou ksk wrote:

> Wow,
> This is so kind of you !!
> I have very specific requirements.
> 1. What is the image format, which this bootloader can read from eeprom and
>    load into mote program memory. (Any function which can convert SREC to 
> bootloader suitable
>    format?)

The format of the Deluge T2 binary files is this:
    *  metadata (128 bytes): the fields are:
          o uidhash (4 bytes)
          o size (4 bytes)
          o number of pages (1 byte)
          o reserved
          o CRC over the above 4 fields (2 bytes)
          o appname (16 bytes)
          o username (16 bytes)
          o hostname (16 bytes)
          o platform (16 bytes)
          o timestamp (4 bytes)
          o userhash (4 bytes)
          o padding up to 128 bytes
    * CRCs of all the pages (128 × 2 bytes)
    * data
The data is split in pages of 1104 bytes (48*23) and one CRC is computed 
for each page.

> 2. How to configure bootloader. i.e. how to tell this bootloader from
>    which address to lift the image and load it in mote program memory,
>    before resetting the mote.

You can use the NetProg interface for this. It's in 
tos/lib/net/Deluge/extra. In the same place is also NetProgC, the 
component that implements the NetProg interface.

> 3. How to install this bootloader?

The bootloader is in tos/lib/tosboot. If you put TINYOS_NP=BNP in your 
Makefile then it will be automatically installed when you do a "make 

> 4. Can I use it for my purpose ?

Yes, you can. :-)

Razvan ME

> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Razvan Musaloiu-E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: kou ksk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, 28 April, 2008 8:25:33 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: Bootloader
> Hi!
> On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, kou ksk wrote:
>> Thanks a million.
>> Could you please tell me, if any raw documentatoin
>> exists within the code itself, in the form of
>> comments. Which source code files of DT2 contain these
>> things? Timebeing, I will try to reverse engineer it
>> for myself.
> The bootloader is locate in tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/tosboot and as I said is 
> heavily based on the Deluge T2 from tinyos-1.x. The most interesting file 
> is probably I'm quite busy for at least one more week but if 
> you indicate me in which part of the bootloader you are interested I can 
> try to explain it over email. :P
> --
> Razvan ME
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Kou,
>> Indian Institute of Information Technology,
>> Allahabad, India.
>> --- "Razvan Musaloiu-E." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, kou ksk wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am interested in Deluge T2 Bootloader.
>>>> As my M.Tech. Thesis, I have designed and am implementing
>>>> an algorithm for code dissemination and remote reprogramming,
>>>> which is slightly different from deluge.Hence i require the details.
>>> I'll add a section in the Deluge T2 manual about this as soon as I get a
>>> chance.
>>> --
>>> Razvan ME

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