
On Thu, 15 May 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:

> Hello Razvan ME :
>   today, i modify the application in the directory of app/Blink and let it
> support deluge :
>   -    in the BlinkAppC.nc , use the component DelugeC and then
>   DelugeC.Leds -> LedsC
>   -    Modify the Makefile , add "TINYOS_NP = BNP ","CFLAGS +=

Have you first tried the burn and burn-net from apps/tests/deluge/Blink?

> i can use "tos-deluge /dev/ttyS0 micaz -i 0 ./build/micaz/tos_image.xml" to
> download the image to specified slot (section ?)  and i also can use
> "tos-deluge /dev/ttyS0 micaz -p 0" to get the information of image.
> *but there are  alos some problems :*
> 1. i can't reboot the mote to load the image from specified slot to the
> internal flash(128K) in MCU . after i use "tos-deluage /dev/ttyS0 micaz -r
> 1", i find the three leds blink once(i think) , then the red led blink
> quickly and never stop . what is the reason , Razvan ME ?

Can you please give it a try the latest version from the deluge git tree? 
I just committed a fix for a bug in the micaz code.

> 2 . after i use "make micaz reinstall.1 mib510,/dev/ttyS0" to install the
> programme to the mote , i use "tos-deluge /dev/ttyS0 micaz -i 1
> ./build/micaz/tos_image.xml" to load another application image to the slot 1
> , then i use "tos-deluge /dev/ttyS0 micaz -p 1" , i can get the information
> of image in slot 1. but after i reboot the mote(by hand) , i ping the mote
> using "tos-deluge /dev/ttyS0 micaz -p 1", i get  "No valid image was
> detected" . why ? maybe the programme did't save the image information in a
> non-volatile storage(link EEPROM) .
> all my tests are based on serial port , i have not tested the network
> programme .
> *questions:*
> 1 .  how many slots(sections ?) are the external flash  partitioned ?

For micaz the volumes are defined in the volumes-at45db.xml file. There 
are 4 volumes by default.

> 2 .  in the network programme , there is a word named "base station" , is it
> the application of BaseStation in /tinos-2.x/apps ?

No. We use the word basestation to denote a mote that in which we can 
inject images using the serial port.

Razvan ME

> 2008/5/14 Razvan Musaloiu-E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi!
>> On Wed, 14 May 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:
>>  Hello :
>>>    I am researching deluge and have some problems when i use the version
>>> of tinyos-2.x.git from http://hinrg.cs.jhu.edu/git/ on the day of
>>> 2008-5-4.
>>>    1. when i put the tinyos-2.x-git tree in two different computers , i
>>> find the compile choices are different. for exaple , when i compile the
>>> application of Blink in the directory of
>>> /opt/tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/deluge/Blink and the compile choice in one
>>> computer is that "-D*IDENT_PROGRAM_NAME*=\"BlinkAppC\"
>>> -*DIDENT_USER_ID*=\"Administrator\"
>>> -*DIDENT_HOSTNAME*=\"zjw\" -*DIDENT_USER_HASH*=0x2567b0c3L -*
>>> DIDENT_UNIX_TIME*=0x482a65deL -*DIDENT_UID_HASH*=0xad6bbf5dL"  and the
>>> other
>>> is "-D*IDENT_APPNAME*=\"BlinkAppC\" -D*IDENT_USERNAME*=\"zhangjiwen\" -D*
>>> IDENT_HOSTNAME*=\"zjw\" -D*IDENT_USERHASH*=0x0eac215cL
>>> -D*IDENT_TIMESTAMP*=0x482a64abL
>>> -D*IDENT_UIDHASH*=0x9bde9ac6L" . i use *the same Tinyos tree* , why are
>>> the
>>> compile choices different ? * where* are these macroes such as
>> Those flags are generated by tos-ident-flags. The file is part of the tools
>> package and the source of it is in:
>>        tinyos-2.x/tools/tinyos/misc
>> The flags are suppose to be different because their purpose is to uniquely
>> identify an image.
>>    2. some files in the directroy of tos/lib/deluge/ contains the macroes
>>> for example , in the file DelugeP.nc , there is a macro named
>>> in the file FlashVolumeManagerP.nc , there are macroes named
>>> IDENT_APPNAME,IDENT_TIMESTAMP,IDENT_UIDHASH and so on . so when i compile
>>> the application of Blink in in the directory of
>>> /opt/tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/deluge/Blink  on one of the two computers, it
>>> will give errors like "IDENT_APPNAME not defined" , the reason is obvious,
>>> should i modify all the names which the errors tell me not defined ? i think
>>> there should be a easy way , because the deluge should be cross-PC(-:)) .
>> You are probably using an older tools package. Can you install the tools
>> from sources (from tinyos-2.x/tools)?
>>  3 . If i want to repot deluge to the platform of mica2 , which files
>>> should i modity ?  and how ?
>> What is 'repot'? :P I don't have any mica2 motes but the code works fine on
>> micaz.
>> --
>> Razvan ME
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