Hello all,

I am trying to read data directly from the serial port, using Matlab and the
Basestation tinyos program.  When I use the "java net.tinyos.tools.Listen"
program, it appears that all my packet data is being received by the
basestation correctly.  However, I would like to read the data directly into
matlab.  I am attempting to use the following matlab code to read 10

s = serial('/dev/ttyUSB0','BaudRate',115200);
counter = 0;
  if (s.BytesAvailable > PACKETSIZE)
    packet = fread(s,PACKETSIZE)
        counter = counter+1;

Now, the problem that I am having is that the alignment of each packet
coming in can be different.  For example, if I know the 3rd byte is the node
ID, I try to read the 3rd byte.  This shifts around though, so I can't parse
the data consistently.  I think it is happening whenever a packet is
corrupted/dropped over the radio.  Does the basestation program do something
to compensate for corrupted packets that I am not taking into account in my
matlab code?

Is there a better way to read the serial data directly into matlab without
having these parsing issues?  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

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