Hello TinyOS users,

I have read all the papers and comparisons cited in the earlier posts
for CTP. CTP is meant to be "Collecting" data from various motes lying
in the field and send the data to a central "BaseStation". As
Dissemination is for broadcasting certain common data/ small packets to
all the nodes in the network, it will only suit first part of my
application which is to send certain data everyday once to the remote
motes. Secondly, I need to collect data when a particular event happens
at a particular node which can be done by "Collection". Third part of my
application is to send some particular data to a particular node in the
network for which I want guidance that can CTP be used for it??? If we
consider the BaseStation as main root of the tree, then we cannot send
the data packet down the tree or can we?? As TEP-119 says, "Collection
provides a best-effort, multihop delivery of packets to one of a
network's tree roots: it is an anycast protocol" so that makes me
believe that we can deliver particular data to a particular tree root
from the BaseStation but not further down those tree roots, in which
case we will have to make every node a 'tree root' which is not
possible, so how do we overcome this issue?  I am currently also
considering to apply TYMO for my application. Are there any papers
comparing TYMO and CTP protocols???


I have 4 Texas Instruments CC2420DBK, so for testing 'TestNetwork'
application, do we program 3 boards with this application and 1 board
with the "BaseStation" application. Can anyone please include a
"guide/Readme.txt" for TestNetwork as they are really helpful....




Varun Jain

R&D Embedded Design Engineer

Spiderbox Pty. Ltd.

P: +617 3318 9509

F: +617 3318 9595

M: +61401 091 248


W: http://www.spiderbox.com.au <http://www.spiderbox.com.au/> 




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