Hi (specially to those who have been involved in implementing Tinyos 2 to

I'm porting TinyOS 2 to the new msp430 family (which has a USCI instead of
an USART).

I'm trying to maintain as possible the same architecture as already
implented code (I called new folder inside chips msp430X and it's almost a
copy of folder msp430).

Now I'm working on the I2C code (SPI code is already implented and
communication with CC2420 works perfect) but I have a little doubt:

On the previous implementation, all the I2C related code was implemented in
HplMsp430I2C0P.nc instead of HplMsp430Usart0P (which now is called

There is any special reason for this decision?

Since I would like to release the code, I would apreciate any feedback to
make it consistent with existent tinyos code.



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