>> When I talk about RSSI I talk about the values found in a file like the
>> meyer-heavy.txt file. So, I suppose I must say "noise floor" instead of
>> RSSI?
> RSSI standard for Relative Signal Strength. -50 dBm is a SPECIFIC decibel
> value.
> So you can have an RSSI value of -50dBm.
> You can also have a noise floor of -50dBm (which is ridiclously high).

     When referring to a noise trace, the values are "RSSI" only in the
sense that they are the ambient signal strength received by the radio
at this moment (this is the name of the register sampled, hence the
name RSSISample for the contrib application). This does not imply a
reception of a packet.
     But a file such as meyer-heavy is not precisely the noise floor; it
may contain a higher value than the noise floor because of
interference, such as 802.11.

>>  "prematurely stop" means that my program stop before its real end. I
>> have a timer which allow me to have some time intervals and I stop the
>> simulation after 200 time intervals. Using meyer-heavy.txt or another
>> constant values wich don't increase the received messages rate, the
>> program stop after 200 intervals.
>> When I use -20, or -55 values into my noise floor file , all my messages
>> are received but the program stop after 110 time intervals.
>> My configuration is : I have N sensors, and N-1 sensors send 1 message
>> to the last sensor every time intervals.
> TOSSIM is a discrete event simulator.
> The more events it has to process, the more times you will have to
> call runNextEvent() to pass the same amount of real-world time.
> See the time() and timeStr() methods of the TOSSIM object.
> (If you have messages received at those noise floors, something with
> the setup sounds funny--they are very high.)

     What is the gain value that you are using with these noise floors?


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