Hi, everyone:

  I've read the Trickle implementation code
(\tos\lib\net\TrickleTimerImplP.nc) in 2.X.

  And I'm puzzled by the variable "time" in this code.

  This is the defination of struct "trickle_t":
  typedef struct {
    uint16_t period;
    uint32_t time;
    uint32_t remainder;
    uint8_t count;
  } trickle_t;

  I wonder about what the "time" and "remainder" means?

  Also, at the function "adjustTimer()", I have some  questions.

event void Timer.fired()
    uint8_t i;
    uint32_t dt = call Timer.getdt();

for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
      uint32_t remaining = trickles[i].time;//What does the remaining mean?
      if (remaining != 0)
                  remaining -= dt;// Does this make remaining negative?
                  if (remaining == 0)

                  if (trickles[i].count < k)
                    call Pending.set(i);
                      post timerTask();


           /* Note that this logic is not the exact trickle algorithm.
            * Rather than C being reset at the beginning of an interval,
            * it is being reset at a firing point. This means that the
            * listening period, rather than of length tau/2, is in the
            * range [tau/2, tau].

                trickles[i].count = 0;//
                trickles[i].time = remaining;//So trickles[i].time becomes
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