Vlado as you can see I moved the thread to help mailing-list, I hope
that you can answer me now :)

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 16:26, Jó Ágila Bitsch Link
> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Stefano Kismet Lenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 09:56, Vlado Handziski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > To be precise, we (TUB) have only developed a standard compliant
>> > 802.15.4
>> > MAC called TKN154. So we have two 802.15.4 MAC implementations and only
>> > one
>> > Zigbee.
>> >
>> > Back in the days when the net2 group has been formed we had a long
>> > discussion about the point in the protocol stack where the
>> > responsibilities
>> > of core should end and where net2 should take over. We came to a
>> > reasonable
>> > conclusion that MAC implementations should remain in core due to the
>> > tight
>> > interdependence with the radio chip and timer HW abstractions. I think
>> > practice has proven that this was a good decision because it helped
>> > shield
>> > net2 from the changes we did in core.
>> >
>> > Now that we have a proper place in the code tree for different mac
>> > implementations (tos/lib/mac)
>> Which place did you mean? I have just performed an updated and I
>> couldn't find any /tos/lib/mac folder.
> Did you use cvs update -d
> The -d flag is necessary to also get newly created directories.... (Why
> again does tinyos development stick with cvs?)

No I forgot it :S, Now I found the folder

But the following questions continue to be open:

 - The Porto's zigbee that you are speaking about is the one available
in the /tos/lib/net/zigbee folder?
 - Is the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC implemented by Porto the one available in
/tos/lib/net/zigbee/ieee802154 folder?

>> I think that the right way to proceed is for
>> > Porto to factor out the MAC part of their implementation and move it
>> > into
>> > this folder, at the same time transferring the responsibility for this
>> > code
>> > from net2 to core. To this end, a representative of Porto might join
>> > core,
>> > etc.  This is completely independent from the decision if the higher
>> > parts
>> > of Porto's zigbee implementation remain in net2 or a new WG is formed as
>> > Matt proposed.
>> The Porto's zigbee that you are speaking about is the one available in
>> the /tos/lib/net/zigbee folder?
>> But I think that the standard compliant IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
>> > implementations should remain under core for the above stated reasons.
>> Where is the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC located?
>> >
>> > Vlado
>> >
>> Thank you,
>> Stefano Lenzi
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