Hi Jim and MS,

There is perhaps a way to do it: An editor (Eclipse plugin) project
for nesC was started some weeks ago. It was committed to contrib a few days 
ago, and it is not tested so much yet... 

But if you go to the contrib index;
and look for "nescdt" in the "Tools" column; and then follow the links you will 
find the 
page in the TinyOS wiki that describes how to use (and extend (or fix bugs)) 
the editor 
(or go directly to the home page 

Good luck, Rasmus

PS: Perhaps drop me a note if you have time to give nescdt a try?

> I have been unsuccessful in repeated attempts to make either
> of the Eclipse TOS plugins work, perhaps due to my inability
> to follow instructions...if anyone has been successful I'd
> love to hear about it.

> However I do use Eclipse with TOS as a big search engine.
> I create an Eclipse Project at the top of the tinyos tree
> and make some sub-search components (I forget what they are
> called, but under Search-File you can select areas to search).
> Unfortunately Eclipse will only allow you to have one Project
> in any directory tree. I haven't found a way to make sub-
> projects for individual apps because TOS seems to insist on
> having it's devel tree tightly integrated.
> MS
Jim Fell wrote:
>>/ Hello.  I’m hoping to develop with TinyOS using Eclipse on a Windows XP 
/>/> platform.  In installed the recommended MSP430 RPMs from this page:
/>>/ http://www.tinyos.net/tinyos-2.x/doc/html/install-tinyos.html
/>>/ Now, in Eclipse I’m unsure as to which directory I should link my 
/>>/ Eclipse TinyOS project to for a proper build.  I currently have it 
/>>/ linked to here:
/>>/ C:\Program Files\UCB\cygwin\opt\msp430
/>/> Is this correct, or is there a better folder?
/>/> Thanks,
/>/> *Jim Fell*
/>/> Software Engineer
/>/> LS Research, LLC
/>/> Email: jfell at lsr.com 
<mailto:jfell at lsr.com 
/>/> http://www.lsr.com/
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