On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Philippe BAYLE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, I am working on tinyos 2.x (not the latest CVS release). I am
> currently doing modifications on CtpRoutingEngineP.nc file in order  to
> choose a parent considering severals parameters such as congestion and
> energy in extra of ETX. For that I check all the neighbors in the Routing
> Table built in the file. The problem is when a node is no longer alive ( for
> example if you move the motes) , it stays in the routing Table....and then
> it is considered for the choice of a new parent.
> I guess that the link Etx value should avoid to consider bad link but it
> doesn't. The link quality must increase in a signifiant way when a neighbor
> mote "die" but in fact, towards what I observed, it stays at the same
> value....This comes from LinkEstimator component with the eetx value. I know
> that there was problems about eetx not increasing in the past but I am using
> the revision 1.6 of this file and it should works so I don't understand at
> all what happens. Can someone tell me if this is a bug or if the eetx value
> only increases when the parent (and not a simple neighbor) is lost?

The link estimator value will decrease slowly - the estimator might
send beacons once every 1024 seconds if the trickle timer has settled
at that value and you will need to realize that you have missed a few
beacons before you start seeing lower values. But if you send some
data packets, the estimator will be updated rapidly.

- om_p
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