Hi Omprakash,

Thanks very much for the reply. I also have a small  irrelevant
question here. I am doing some experiments about the performance of
the new 4bit link estimator using tmotes, which use Chipcon CC2420
radio chip. I noticed in the chips/cc2420/packet/CC2420PacketP.nc, a
channel is considered of high quality when the LQI value is greater
then 105 (line 107). That's where the white_bit come from. I am
wondering why  LQI > 105 indicates a high channel quality? Is there
any physical or empirical reason behind the value?


On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Omprakash Gnawali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Tao Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am studying the 4bitle link estimator in the TinyOS 2. In the
>> tos/lib/net/4bitle/LinkEstimatorP.nc (line 647), the 4bit estimator
>> signals the CompareBit.shouldInsert() event when it received a beacon
>> message from a new neighbor when there is no room left in the neighbor
>> table, and the only implementation of CompareBit.shouldInsert I can
>> find is in the tos/lib/net/ctp/CtpRoutingEngineP.nc, starting from
>> line 634:
>>  /* This should see if the node should be inserted in the table.
>>   * If the white_bit is set, this means the LL believes this is a good
>>   * first hop link.
>>   * The link will be recommended for insertion if it is better* than some
>>   * link in the routing table that is not our parent.
>>   * We are comparing the path quality up to the node, and ignoring the link
>>   * quality from us to the node. This is because of a couple of things:
>>   *   1. because of the white bit, we assume that the 1-hop to the candidate
>>   *      link is good (say, etx=1)
>>   *   2. we are being optimistic to the nodes in the table, by ignoring the
>>   *      1-hop quality to them (which means we are assuming it's 1 as well)
>>   *      This actually sets the bar a little higher for replacement
>>   *   3. this is faster
>>   *   4. it doesn't require the link estimator to have stabilized on a link
>>   */
>>   event bool CompareBit.shouldInsert(message_t *msg, void* payload,
>> uint8_t len, bool white_bit) {
>>        bool found = FALSE;
>>        uint16_t pathEtx;
>>        //uint16_t linkEtx = evaluateEtx(0);
>>        uint16_t neighEtx;
>>        int i;
>>        routing_table_entry* entry;
>>        ctp_routing_header_t* rcvBeacon;
>>        if ((call AMPacket.type(msg) != AM_CTP_ROUTING) ||
>>            (len != sizeof(ctp_routing_header_t)))
>>            return FALSE;
>>        /* 1.determine this packet's path quality */
>>        rcvBeacon = (ctp_routing_header_t*)payload;
>>        if (rcvBeacon->parent == INVALID_ADDR)
>>            return FALSE;
>>        /* the node is a root, recommend insertion! */
>>        if (rcvBeacon->etx == 0) {
>>            return TRUE;
>>        }
>>        pathEtx = rcvBeacon->etx; // + linkEtx;
>>        /* 2. see if we find some neighbor that is worse */
>>        for (i = 0; i < routingTableActive && !found; i++) {
>>            entry = &routingTable[i];
>>            //ignore parent, since we can't replace it
>>            if (entry->neighbor == routeInfo.parent)
>>                continue;
>>            neighEtx = entry->info.etx;
>>            //neighEtx = evaluateEtx(call
>> LinkEstimator.getLinkQuality(entry->neighbor));
>>            found |= (pathEtx < neighEtx);
>>        }
>>        return found;
>>   }
>> According to the comment, this event should do the comparison based on
>> the white_bit argument. However, the actual code here does not take
>> the white_bit into account. Instead, it just compare the path ETX
>> value of the new beacon message with the neighbors that is already in
>> the routing table (different from the neighbor table in the link
>> estimator).
>> When the 4bit link estimator signals the CompareBit.shouldInsert
>> event, the white_bit is set to true if the LQI value in the message
>> header indicates the wireless channel quality is high; false
>> otherwise. Can somebody explain why the white_bit is ignored  here? Or
>> it's just I missed something?
> You did not miss anything :)
> We found this problem about two weeks ago but it was too close to the
> 2.1 release and did not update the code. The comparison statement
> disappeared when we did code refactoring as we moved from experiments
> to code in the repository.
> I am redoing some of the experiments before I update the code so stay tuned.
> - om_p
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