Hello.  This is going to sound like a really obtuse questions, but I
could use some help here.  I'm having some trouble getting some code to
compile, so that I can toggle a port pin of the MSP430 on the TelosB
mote.  I have two files: TwiddleAppC.nc and TwiddleC.nc:




configuration TwiddleAppC





  components MainC, TwiddleC;

  components new TimerMilliC() as Timer;

  components HplMsp430GeneralIOC as dPins;


  TwiddleC -> MainC.Boot;


  TwiddleC.Timer -> Timer;

  TwiddleC.dOutput -> dPins.Port23;





#include "Timer.h"


module TwiddleC


  uses interface Timer<TMilli> as Timer;

  uses interface HplMsp430GeneralIOC;

  uses interface Boot;

  uses interface HplMsp430GeneralIO as dOutput;




  event void Boot.booted()


    call dOutput.selectIOFunc();

    call dOutput.makeOutput();

    call Timer.startPeriodic( 100 );



  event void Timer.fired()


    call dOutput.toggle();




When I run the script `make telosb mote` I get the following error:


In component `TwiddleC':

expected interface `HplMsp430GeneralIOC', but got component

In component `TwiddleAppC':

TwiddleAppC.nc:43: expected component `HplMsp430GeneralIOC', but got a

TwiddleAppC.nc:48: cannot find `Port23'

make: *** [exe0] Error 1


I'm really not sure what's going on here because when I compile similar
code (in a slightly modified SensorScope application), it compiles
without any errors.  However, the expected port pin (P2.3) does not
toggle.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.







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