Hello.  I'm attempting to toggle a port pin whenever a packet is
received or sent by utilizing the MAC layer events.  However, when I add
these events to my application, even though it compiles, I do not seen
the pins toggling on my oscilloscope.  I've been able to verify that the
functions I'm using the toggle the pins work.  So, I can only guess that
I may not be setting up the wiring to the events properly.  Here's what
I have so far.  Any insight would be appreciated.  Thanks.




configuration MoteC


    uses interface Transport;

    uses interface Mac;





   components MoteP           as MoteP;

   components MainC           as MainC;

   components HplMsp430GeneralIOC as dPins;


   MoteP.MacLayer       = Mac;


   MoteP.Boot         -> MainC;

   MoteP.dOutput0 -> dPins.Port23;

   MoteP.dOutput1 -> dPins.Port34;

   MoteP.dOutput2 -> dPins.Port35;



// ---------------------------------------


module MoteP


   uses interface Boot        as Boot;

   uses interface Mac                  as MacLayer;

   uses interface HplMsp430GeneralIO   as dOutput0;

   uses interface HplMsp430GeneralIO   as dOutput1;

   uses interface HplMsp430GeneralIO   as dOutput2;





   event void Boot.booted()


      call dOutput0.selectIOFunc();

      call dOutput0.makeOutput();

      call dOutput1.selectIOFunc();

      call dOutput1.makeOutput();

      call dOutput2.selectIOFunc();

      call dOutput2.makeOutput();


      call Timer0.startPeriodic( 100 );

      call Timer1.startPeriodic( 200 );

      call Timer2.startPeriodic( 400 );



   event void MacLayer.msgReceived(am_id_t msgId, message_t *msg, void

      uint8_t len)


      // The code in this event does not seem to be executed.

      call dOutput0.toggle();



    event void MacLayer.msgSnoopReceived(am_id_t msgId, message_t *msg, 

      void *data, uint8_t len)


      // The code in this event does not seem to be executed.

      call dOutput1.toggle();



   event void MacLayer.sendMsgDone(am_id_t msgId, am_addr_t recipientId,

      message_t *msg, error_t err, bool ackTimeout)


      // The code in this event does not seem to be executed.

      call dOutput2.toggle();



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