I wrote an application program to test the snoop interface of CTP. But 
it seems that the intermediate node can not snoop the message from the 
source. For example, I set up node 1 and 3 as source and root, and node 
2 as another node; all are using the same program.
The code in my TestCtpC.nc is
uses {
    interface Receive as Snoop;
event message_t * Snoop.receive(message_t *msg, void *payload, uint8_t 
len) {
          call Leds.led1Toggle();
          return msg;

The snoop is wired to CollectionC
TestCtpC.Snoop -> Collector.Snoop[CL_MSG];
I started the three nodes; node 3 (the root) can receive the packet from 
sourc, but node 2 (not root nor source) can not snoop the message. Is 
this correct? Thanks.

- Hui Kang

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