After i removed the java.exe from windows/system32. Deluge has passed that
java errors. But now it facing another problem. It keeps pinging the node
and didn't even respond. nothing else. I tried all the deluge commands it
always show pinging node... Any ideas?

Bai [EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/tinyos-1.x/apps/TestDeluge/DelugeBasic
$ unset MOTECOM
Bai [EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/tinyos-1.x/apps/TestDeluge/DelugeBasic

$ export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:57600
Bai [EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/tinyos-1.x/apps/TestDeluge/DelugeBasic
$ java -p
Pinging node ...


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> T1 and T2 are not fully compatible in message structure so I wouldn't
> expect anything to work if you cross-up versions. Your Java version
> shouldn't make any difference as long as you don't try to use a newer
> compiler with an older JRE.
> MS
> BAI LI wrote:
>> Well I just installed the tinyos2.0 basestation and Oscope application on
>> telosb motes and I can see Basestation is receiving the mesage but When i
>> plug the base to tinyos1.15 laptop, running sf and listen tools. it didn't
>> work either. I guess it didn't support telosb motes on tinyos1.15. For
>> Deluge 2.0, I think something worng with Java as I didn't change anyting in
>> tinyos. I am currently using java 1.4. Should I upgrade it to 1.5 instead?
>> Thanks.
>>  Regards,
>> Bai
>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL 
>> PROTECTED]<mailto:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>    You don't need serial forwarder.
>>    Do you see any leds blinking on your TOSBase mote? That indicates
>>    that messages are being received.
>>    I would start with the simplest demo app that sends messages to the
>>    serial port and use ListenRaw to see if I got anything. It looks like
>>    you were able to download and motelist on COM10 so I have to assume
>>    that things are connected correctly.
>>    MS
>>    BAI LI wrote:
>>        Thanks for your reply. Yes. I did install the Oscope application
>>        on another mote. Am I required to get a MIB510 gateway for
>>        serial forwarder? Currently I just connected the base station to
>>        my usb hub which pluged into my laptop. Still no response. But
>>        Does serial forwarder has somthing to do with Deluge 2.0
>>        application? It seems to be some java probelms. right?
>>         regards,
>>        Bai
>>        On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Michael Schippling
>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>>            Do you have something sending messages to the TOSBase mote?
>>           You could try running the regular Oscilloscope app,
>>           which in T1 sends messages directly to the UART "channel".
>>           I'm not sure why your MOTECOM won't accept "telosb",
>>           I've only used "tmote"...there may be some other special name.
>>           More searching in code and doc is indicated.
>>           Also try ListenRaw which doesn't try to parse anything.
>>           MS
>>           BAI LI wrote:
>>               Hi Michael,
>>                Thanks for your reply. I have gone through all the posts
>>               related to this topic and found a lot of your posts as
>>        well. :)
>>               But it still didn't work after i tried this morning. The
>>               following is wat I did. Is there anything missing? When I
>>               compiled the jave tools, there is no probelmes except some
>>               TinyDB components but i don't think it will affect the sf
>> and
>>               Deluge. What do you think? Is there anyone who successfully
>>               running serial forwarder on telosb based on window cygwin
>>               (Tinyos1.15 version)?
>>                These results turn to be resynchronizing again as i
>>        tried this
>>               serial forwarder yesterday and got the same result. Do I
>>        have to get
>>                regards,
>>               Bai
>>                       Bai [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> ~
>>               $ unset MOTECOM
>>               Bai [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> ~
>>               $ cd /opt/tinyos-1.x/apps/tosbase
>>               Bai [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>
>>        /opt/tinyos-1.x/apps/tosbase
>>               $ make telosb install,1
>>               mkdir -p build/telosb
>>                  compiling TOSBase to a telosb binary
>>               ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -O -Wall -Wshadow
>>               -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-al
>>               l -target=telosb -fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board=
>>               -DTOSH_MAX_TASKS_LOG2=8
>>                -I%T/lib/Deluge
>> -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x4800,--defsym=_reset_vector__=0x400
>>               0 -DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME=\"TOSBase\" -DIDENT_USER_ID=\"BaiLi\"
>>               -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\"
>>               deakin-6f29b527\" -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x75bf6332L
>>               -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x4910c52aL -D
>>               IDENT_UID_HASH=0xbbde367dL -mdisable-hwmul
>>               -I/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/lib/CC2420Radio
>>       -lm
>> C:/tinyos/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/lib/CC2420Radio/
>>               warning
>>               : `Send.sendDone' called asynchronously from `sendFailed'
>>                  compiled TOSBase to build/telosb/main.exe
>>                         11066 bytes in ROM
>>                          1848 bytes in RAM
>>               msp430-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/telosb/main.exe
>>               build/telosb/main.ihex
>>                  writing TOS image
>>               /opt/tinyos-1.x/tools/make/msp/set-mote-id --objcopy
>>               msp430-objcopy --objdump ms
>>               p430-objdump --target ihex build/telosb/main.ihex
>>               build/telosb/main.ihex.out-1 1
>>                  found mote on COM10 (using bsl,auto)
>>                  installing telosb bootloader using bsl
>>               msp430-bsl --telosb -c 9 -r -e -I -p
>>               C:/tinyos/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/lib/Del
>>               uge/TOSBoot/build/telosb/main.ihex
>>               MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-telos-6
>>               Mass Erase...
>>               Transmit default password ...
>>               Invoking BSL...
>>               Transmit default password ...
>>               Current bootstrap loader version: 1.61 (Device ID: f16c)
>>               Changing baudrate to 38400 ...
>>               Program ...
>>               1796 bytes programmed.
>>               Reset device ...
>>                  installing telosb binary using bsl (without mass erase)
>>               msp430-bsl --telosb -c 9 -r -I -p
>>        build/telosb/main.ihex.out-1
>>               MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-telos-6
>>               Invoking BSL...
>>               Transmit default password ...
>>               Current bootstrap loader version: 1.61 (Device ID: f16c)
>>               Changing baudrate to 38400 ...
>>               Program ...
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