Hi Peng,

> but when I read RF230layerP I found that these two values only calculated
> when there message is about to be transmitted, So it is not possible to
> measure environment noise using this value. So is there some better way?

That is correct. If you want to continuously measure the RSSI noise,
then you need to modifiy the code substantially. I would add a timer
and do the measurements from there, but you also need to block
transmissions while you are doing the RSSI measurements. It is nog
going to be easy.

> The other question is about the tasklet_async and Tasklet interface, I do
> not understand its function,  someone can explain it to me?

The whole RF230 stack has 1) an interrupt handling top half contex
which does almoth nothings, just schedules the next layer do do
something, an 2) an interrupt handling bottom half, which does
everything asynchrnously, and 3) a task context which keeps the
contact with the application via commands and events. You can
configure the RF230 to execute everything in layer 2) in a task
context (schedule the work) or in interrupt context (do it immediately
after context 1). This is what tasklets are for. The tasklet_async is
a macro wihch is turned into async when 2) is run inside 1) and
eliminated when 2) is run inside 3). tasklet_norace behaves similarly.

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