Hi, Rasvan,

I just did a simple test of the restoration of TOS_NODE_ID on the
iris.  Now it seems to work properly!  I think earlier I was using a
stale app image in which DelugeC wasn't properly wired in.  Sorry for
troubling you.

By the way, I was required to copy over the volumes-*.xml files in
order for the iris image to build with DelugeC wired in and with
"BOOTLOADER=tosboot" in the Makefile.  It may be worthwhile to add
this to the instructions in the Deluge T2 Wiki or elsewhere.

DelugeC.nc doesn't build without the volumes-*.xml files, and that
caused me to attempt to disseminate images without it, which, I think,
in the end, caused my trouble with TOS_NODE_ID.

Much thanks,


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Razvan Musaloiu-E. <razv...@cs.jhu.edu> wrote:

>> The TOS_NODE_ID is hard-coded on the app.c but upon boot the DelugeC is
>> restoring it. The code that is doing this for IRIS is the Init.init from
>> tos/lib/net/Deluge/extra/iris/NetProgM.nc. I'll check tomorrow on MicaZ to
>> see if everything works as it should.
> I just tested MicaZ and it works fine. The TOS_NODE_ID is properly restored
> after a -dr command. Janos, can you confirm this result for IRIS? :-)
> --
> Razvan ME
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