Hi all,

I'm using TOSSIM (T2) simulator.

Based on extensive simulations, I draw the curve PRR (Packet reception rate)
according to distance.

This curve shows three reception regions (connected, gray and disconnected),
as it is observed in actual sensor networks.

Inside the gray (called also transitional) area, the PRR *is expected to
fluctuate between 0.15 and 0.85 and it is not correlated with
distance*. *However,
in my curve (based on simulations), I found that the PRR shows a relatively
smooth decay with distance *which is uncommon . This is not acceptable
because TOSSIM uses an accurate link layer model.

Note that I used the environment parameters as in the Tutorial:

Can someone tell me where the problem can be (in the environment setting, in
the accuracy of TOSSIM, …)

Thanks a lot for any help

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