
Thanks for your reply. I did a test on Blink application in TinyOS1.x and
TinyOS2.x. The ROM size of Blink in 1.x is 2000+ bytes while in 2.x is about
8000+ bytes. How come the similar code has such big difference? That is why
I am curious about why the ROM and RAM size is much bigger than in 1.x.

For those objdump and readelf tools, what kind of file format it can
regonize? Is that .o file? Where I can normally file those file in my
application? Is that possible to offer me an example?


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Razvan Musaloiu-E. <razv...@cs.jhu.edu>wrote:

> Hi!
> On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, BAI LI wrote:
>   Hi All,
>> When you compile the program in TinyOS, it will show you the Rom and Ram
>> size in the compiling infor. I am just wondering wat factors determine
>> both
>> rom and ram size. As I developed two hash functions however when i did the
>> comparison. They don't have much difference on the size of rom and ram. I
>> would like to polish the program and try to reduce the size of rom and
>> ram.
>> Can anyone tell me what I should notice when i program? Thanks.
> In few words ROM includes the code and initialized data and RAM includes
> both initialized and uninitialized data (note that the stack is not
> included).
> Two excellent tools you can use to explore your program are objdump and
> readelf. For telos they have a 'msp430-' prefix in front. For mica family
> the prefix is 'avr-'.
> All the best!
> Razvan ME
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