
I'm looking at building an operating environment for a unique sensor network
setup for some multi-sensing MEMs sensor hardware and single link (power and
data) physical layer that is currently being developed.

I've decided to go with TinyOS because (among other reasons):

  a) It's designed for sensor networks, and thus exhibits the right
properties I desire (e.g. low power etc.); and
  b) The component/wiring based nature of it suits the way I want to develop
this system

Now, the hardware that the nodes in this sensor network will use will
probably vary, two processors in particular that have been mentioned are
MSP430 (well suited to TinyOS!) and PPC (on a Virtex 5).

Also, at uni we have a heap of HCS12's, which I'm very familiar with using.
So ideally, I would like to do my initial development work on the HCS12
until the hardware is nailed down more concretely (it's a bit up in the air
at the moment).

In light of this I have a few questions:

   - Is there an authoritive source / tutorial for how to port TinyOS to a
   different platform / CPU (I've had a bit of a look around the TinyOS Wiki
   and the "TinyOS Programming" book, as well as a Google search, but nothing
   obvious pops up)?
   - How long / how much effort would it take to port to a different CPU?
   - Has anyone done any work on porting to HCS12 / 68HC11 or similar?


Robert Moore
0400 7777 63
Website Designer
Web Support Officer - Curtin University
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