On May 7, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Swetha R wrote:

> Hello Everyone ,
>     I am new to TinyOS and would appreciate any kind of help to make  
> me understand the Routing protocols.I want to create a network  
> topology by using flooding where every node maintains a routing  
> table which should contain the following details :
> destination node - to the node it has to send the data.
> nexthop-  intermediate node to reach the destination.
> hopcount- the number of hops to reach the destination.
> For example :
> 0 --> 1--> 2-->3-->4
> Node2  's routing table :

There's a huge amount of work in this area. The approach you describe  
was one of the first TinyOS routing protocols. There was then about 5  
years of work that examined why it doesn't work well and how you can  
do better. The canonical paper is

Deepak Ganesan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Alec Woo, David Culler,  
Deborah Estrin and Stephen Wicker,  Complex Behavior at Scale: An  
Experimental Study of Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks ,  UCLA  
Computer Science Technical Report UCLA/CSD-TR 02-0013.

Modern protocols use a distance vector approach based on ETX (expected  
transmissions) or related link cost function. TinyOS 2.x has CTP and  
MultihopLQI that do this: the latter uses chip error rates to estimate  
link cost. The Berkeley IP layer (blip) also does something similar,  
using a hybrid candidate parent approach, similar to as described in  
Jonathan Hui's SenSys 2008 paper.

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