
I am using trying to take magnetic sensor data from MTS310 sensor board (I
use MicaZ motes). I have modified oscilloscope application. When I use MagXC
and MagYC interfaces, it works, but I want to increase the sampling rate so
i used MagXStreamC and MagYStreamC interfaces.

I use  the same message structure as in the Osciiloscope application. In the
oscilloscope_t struct, there is the field 'readings' which keeps 10 sensor
readings. The problem is that , first two entries in the 'readings' array,
are 0xa0 and 0x0 and they never change. Data in the rest of the array is

I can get rid of  those 'dummy' values. I just ignore them and send the
meaningful data over the radio to the base-station mote.

But it shouldn't be this way and i couldn't figure out what i am doing
wrong. Maybe there is problem in the low level i2c code.

Could anyone help me with this issue?

Thanks in advance,

Mehmet Akif Antepli
Graduate student
Dept. of EEE
Middle East Technical University
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