Hi again,

I was checking my internet connection today and got strange results.

First I logged in remotely to my university to download the  
xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz to the remote machine. It seems like wget had  
to resume the download once for the last byte of the file couldn't be  
transmitted at the first attempt (Connection closed).

This is the terminal output of downloading:

xxxx...@ssh:/tmp> wget 
--12:58:03--  http://sing.stanford.edu/tinyos/dists/xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz
            => `xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz'
Resolving wwwcache.rz.tu-harburg.de...
Connecting to wwwcache.rz.tu-harburg.de||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 879,792,365 (839M) [application/x-gzip]

===================================================================> ]  
879,792,364  474.19K/s    ETA 00:00

13:27:08 (492.49 KB/s) - Connection closed at byte 879792364. Retrying.

--13:27:09--  http://sing.stanford.edu/tinyos/dists/xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz
   (try: 2) => `xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz'
Connecting to wwwcache.rz.tu-harburg.de||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content
Length: 879,792,365 (839M), 1 remaining [application/x-gzip]

+>] 879,792,365   --.--K/s

13:27:09 (195.31 KB/s) - `xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz' saved  

Unpacking it there results in an error too as it did on my machine but  
a little different. Unpacking at home on OS X yields:

MacBook:Downloads david$ tar xvzf xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz --directory / 
Xubuntos 2.1/
Xubuntos 2.1/nvram
Xubuntos 2.1/Xubuntos 2.0-s001.vmdk

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Unpacking on remote university machine (HP Unix or RedHat I don't  
remember) yields:

xxxx...@ssh:/tmp> tar -xvzf xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz --directory /tmp/ 
Xubuntos 2.1/
Xubuntos 2.1/nvram
Xubuntos 2.1/Xubuntos 2.0-s001.vmdk
Xubuntos 2.1/Xubuntos 2.0-s002.vmdk
Xubuntos 2.1/Xubuntos 2.0-s003.vmdk
Xubuntos 2.1/Xubuntos 2.0-s004.vmdk
Xubuntos 2.1/Xubuntos 2.0-s005.vmdk

tar: Skipping to next header

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--length error
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Since I downloaded via Safari at home I gave wget a try at home too.  
Unpacking the downloaded file then gives this error which is quite  
similar to the one on the remote university machine:

MacBook:Desktop david$ wget 
--2009-06-19 13:41:22--  
Auflösen des Hostnamen »sing.stanford.edu«....
Verbindungsaufbau zu sing.stanford.edu||:80... verbunden.
HTTP Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 200 OK
Länge: 879792365 (839M) [application/x-gzip]
In »xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz« speichern.

879.792.365  213K/s   in 45m 40s

2009-06-19 14:27:03 (314 KB/s) - »xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz« gespeichert  

MacBook:Desktop david$ tar -xvzf xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz --directory / 
Xubuntos 2.1/
Xubuntos 2.1/nvram
Xubuntos 2.1/Xubuntos 2.0-s001.vmdk
tar: Skipping to next header

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Second I tried the internet connection at my parents' home and at a  
local elementary school. The tinyos.net homepage looks different  
there. Mainly it's all the same there (Layout, logos etc.) but you  
just can't navigate to the sites containing installation instructions  
and the *.tar.gz files. The links are made so that you are linked in a  
loop. From the main site you can go to the "get started" page, when  
following the links there to the specific installation instructions  
you get back to the main page again. :-( If I had not seen that with  
my own eyes I wouldn't believe. I have no explanation for it. If it  
was about censorship I don't think pages in the same country would  
look different viewed from two different pcs. And why would anyone  
censor TinyOS?

I want to tryout logging into the university network via vpn this  
evening and have a look at how the webpage looks from there. And maybe  
I will try a new install of ubuntu and tinyos to get to see those  
hashsum missmatch messages once more :-(. If anyone has any idea what  
to do or a clue about what's going on here please help me out.

Thanks. David.
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