On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 7:08 AM, sofia
aparicio<aparicioso...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know what do I need to do to send and receive a message
> using the protocols of the Route library. Do I need to asociate every
> TOS_Msg with a TOS_MHopMsg? In Surge example they do the following:
> if (pReading = (SurgeMsg *)call Send.getBuffer(&gMsgBuffer,&Len)) {
>       pReading->type = SURGE_TYPE_SENSORREADING;
>       pReading->parentaddr = call RouteControl.getParent();
>       pReading->reading = gSensorData;
>       call Send.send(&gMsgBuffer,sizeof(SurgeMsg)));
> }
> I have seen the code of these function but I do not understand what are they
> doing.
> command void *Send.getBuffer[uint8_t id](TOS_MsgPtr pMsg, uint16_t* length)
> {
>     TOS_MHopMsg *pMHMsg = (TOS_MHopMsg *)pMsg->data;
>     *length = TOSH_DATA_LENGTH - offsetof(TOS_MHopMsg,data);
>     return (&pMHMsg->data[0]);
>   }

getBuffer returns a pointer to an area in the packet buffer where you
can put your application payload.

>  command result_t Send.send[uint8_t id](TOS_MsgPtr pMsg, uint16_t
> PayloadLen) {
>     uint16_t usMHLength = offsetof(TOS_MHopMsg,data) + PayloadLen;
>     if (usMHLength > TOSH_DATA_LENGTH) {
>       return FAIL;
>     }
>     //dbg(DBG_ROUTE,"MHop: send\n");
>     call RouteSelect.initializeFields(pMsg,id);
>     if (call RouteSelect.selectRoute(pMsg,id) != SUCCESS) {
>       return FAIL;
>     }
>     //dbg(DBG_ROUTE,"MHop: out pkt 0x%x\n",((TOS_MHopMsg
> *)pMsg->data)->seqno);
>     if (call SendMsg.send[id](pMsg->addr, usMHLength, pMsg) != SUCCESS) {
>       return FAIL;
>     }
>     return SUCCESS;
>   }

When you call this function, the Route library takes the
responsibility for sending the packet after making sure that the
packet is not too big, etc.

- om_p

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