You found documentation? Wow!

Looking in tos/platform/msp430/msp430hardware.h
I find the circuitous definitions:

void TOSH_SEL_##name##_MODFUNC()
        { MSP430REG_NORACE2(r,P##port##SEL); r |= hex; }
void TOSH_SEL_##name##_IOFUNC()
        { MSP430REG_NORACE2(r,P##port##SEL); r &= ~hex; }

Which seems to indicate that MOD sets the port.bit and IO clears it.

I haven't a clue as to why they are called that though...


David Conde wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know what it is the difference between the next command 
> defined in */MSP430GeneralIO:/*
> */ /*
> -async command void selectModuleFunc();
> - async command void selectIOFunc():
> I understand well, I can use MSP430GeneralIOC in order to configure each 
> GIOX, pin,  I have been Reading this interface’s documentation but I did 
> not find what is the difference between both methods, I mean, when I 
> have to use one and when I have to use the other one.
> Thanks in advance
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