I have a task which just samples data by using ReadStream.read(100) ;

my buffer size is 2000. At this rate the buffer fills up in 0.2 seconds.

Then I process data inside readDone (which basically takes the average of
all these 2000 values and stores it in 1 index of output message array).
After this I post the sampling task again. Using an If check inside readDone
I decide if the message size is approaching maximum then I call AMSend or
else I keep sampling .

The problem is this seems to be adding a lot of overhead. I want to know if
my averaging mechanism
  for (j=0;j<BUF_SIZE;j++)

could be the reason for slowing things down ???

task void sampleData()
call ReadStream.read(100);
Or is the task overhead. Since for 10 rounds of such buffers (my message can
handle 10 such average values) to get full it should not take more than
1-1.2 seconds since it takes 0.2 seconds for one buffer to get full but it
is taking almost 10 seconds ...

Please help me with this

Akankshu Dhawan

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