
Thank you veryyyyyyy much!!!.It worked!
I had seen this page several times but i wasn't accurate enough and so i
didn't used the noise model at all.
Really you gave me a big help! Thank you.
But what is this numbers ? It claimed that you should use at least 100 entry
of this numbers so the CPM can create the statistical model.Have you any
sources to read more about this topic and it's usage ?

your sincerley,

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:

>  Mojtaba,
> If you are sending messages to AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, then there are no acks,
> so sendDone should be fired as soon as the radio successfully sends the
> packet.  If sendDone isn't firing then this must mean the radio isn't able
> to send the packet.  The only reason that I can think of that could cause
> TOSSIM to fail sending a packet is if CCA always thinks that there is a
> packet being transmitted.
> I would recommend you closely follow the .py example file given in:
> Especially the part that deals with the Noise Model.  I seem to remember
> having problems with my applications when i tried to skip using the noise
> model.  This may be what is causing your problems.  I'm not very familiar
> with TOSSIM, but i believe it uses the noise model to run the CCA check.  If
> no model is created, then i'm not sure how it determines what energy level
> the simulated radio is sensing during CCA, and what threshold it would use
> in that case.
> Let me know if this solves your problem.
> -Paul
> mojtaba raznahan wrote:
> Paul,
> Really thanks for your responses.I changed the boot times to 1000,each node
> is booted at 1000.
> And Node 1 is a sender and every 2000MilliSec sends a packet to
> "AM_BROADCAST_ADDR"  (I also changed it to the numbers ,like 2 or 0).But
> still does'nt worked.In the first time AMSend.send returns a SUCCESS But the
> AMSend.sendDone event is not signaled to change the busy flag for later
> sends.I also chanaged the busy flag to false but next time AMSend.send
> doesn't return SUCCESS .
> Paul, should i active the ACK manually ? Or It's Automatically?
> *for i in range(0, 3):
>   m = t.getNode(i);
>   m.bootAtTime(1000);*
> This is the Timer.fired event :
> *ent void Timer.fired()
> {
>  counter++;
>  dbg("Base","Timer fired at %s .\n",sim_time_string());
>    if(!busy)
>       {
>           RbsMsg  *data =   call Packet.getPayload(&pkt,sizeof(RbsMsg));
>           data->count = counter;
>            dbg("Base","data in the packet is : %hhu.\n",data->count);
>           flag = call AMSend.send(2,&pkt,sizeof(RbsMsg));
>            if( flag == SUCCESS)
>            {
>              dbg("Base","Packet sent %hhu.\n",data->count);
>              busy = TRUE;
>              counter++;
>             }
>     else
>        dbg("Base","was not SUCCESSFULL %S.\n",sim_time_string());
>        }
>    else
>    dbg("Control", "the busy flag is true.\n",sim_time_string());
>        *
> ************
> And this is my message struct :
> *enum {
>   TIMER_DELAY = 2000,
>   AM_Rbs = 6
> };
> typedef nx_struct RbsMsg
> {
>   nx_uint8_t count;
> } RbsMsg;
>  #endif
>  *
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:
>> Mojtaba,
>> Which node is 1 sending to and when???  I see that the node boot times are
>> pretty far spaced apart.  It could be that if you're sending from 1 to 2,
>> node 2 is not booted up when node 1 sends, thus, it will never receive an
>> ACK and sendDone will never be called.
>> -Paul
>> mojtaba raznahan wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> Thank you very much for answer.
>> I checked out this problem,but still doen't work!!
>> This is my simulation code and node 1 is the sender node  :(Is it correct
>> ?)
>> #! /usr/bin/python
>> import TOSSIM
>> import sys
>> import random
>> from TOSSIM import *
>> t = TOSSIM.Tossim([])
>> r =;
>> for i in range(0, 3):
>>   m = t.getNode(i);
>>   m.bootAtTime(5000003 * i + 1);
>> r.add(1,0,-50.0);
>> r.add(0,1,-50.0);
>> r.add(1,2,-50.0);
>> r.add(2,1,-50.0);
>> r.add(2,0,-50.0);
>> r.add(0,2,-50.0);
>> t.addChannel("Boot",sys.stdout);
>> t.addChannel("Base",sys.stdout);
>> t.addChannel("Receive",sys.stdout);
>> t.addChannel("Control",sys.stdout);
>> for i in range(0, 1000):
>>   t.runNextEvent();
>> sincerley,
>> Mojtaba
>> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:
>>> Mojtaba,
>>> Make sure when you are setting up your links in the simulation you set up
>>> BOTH directions of the link.  For example if you're trying to send something
>>> from node 1 to node 2, you need to define the gain for link 1->2 and from
>>> 2->1.  Otherwise, 1 will be able to send to 2, but 2 will never respond with
>>> an ACK.
>>> -Paul
>>> mojtaba raznahan wrote:
>>> Really need your helps...
>>> Can't anybody help me ??
>>> Does it related to simulation section ??
>>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:09 PM, mojtaba raznahan <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm still bickering with this issue...some help plz
>>>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 7:44 PM, mojtaba raznahan <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> How can i make sure that the message ACK is active or not ? I have not
>>>>> worked with ACK yet
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Ricardo . 
>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>> I read one of the threads that the cause of the issue might be the ACK
>>>>>> messages.  ACK will arrive at the event will never be signaled.  If the
>>>>>> message ACK is active and no ACK is received sendDone is not signaled.
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 3:37 PM, mojtaba raznahan <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ricardo,
>>>>>>> Thanks for reply. I wrote a dbg statement in first of sendDone event
>>>>>>> but ...the sendDone event is not signaled at all!
>>>>>>> event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t* bufPtr, error_t error)
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>     * dbg("Base","sendDone %s .\n",sim_time_string());*
>>>>>>>     if (&pkt == bufPtr) {
>>>>>>>       busy = FALSE;
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> There isn'nt any statement to print while simulating!!!!
>>>>>>> Really confused! What's your idea ??
>>>>>>> Does it related to Radio configuration of simulation code ?(python
>>>>>>> code ?)
>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Ricardo . <
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Try print the value of error_t error in sendDone event
>>>>>>>>  On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 3:53 PM, mojtaba raznahan <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Im writing a simple application to test send and receive of motes
>>>>>>>>> .AMSend.send command works but AMSend.sendDone event isn't signaled 
>>>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>>> sending so the busy flag does'nt change to false. and in the next 
>>>>>>>>> time the
>>>>>>>>> AMSend.send command does not return SUCCESS .
>>>>>>>>> this is my code :
>>>>>>>>> event void Boot.booted() {
>>>>>>>>> dbg("Boot","Booted at time %s .\n",sim_time_string());
>>>>>>>>> call AMControl.start();
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> event void AMControl.startDone(error_t err)
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>> dbg("Control","AMControl started %s .\n",sim_time_string());
>>>>>>>>>   if(err == SUCCESS) {
>>>>>>>>>    if(TOS_NODE_ID == 1 ) {
>>>>>>>>>     dbg("Base","This is the base station...ready for sending
>>>>>>>>> packets %s.\n",sim_time_string());
>>>>>>>>>     call Timer.startPeriodic(TIMER_DELAY);
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>   else
>>>>>>>>>    call AMControl.start();
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> event void AMControl.stopDone(error_t err)
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> event void Timer.fired()
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>    if(!busy)
>>>>>>>>>       {
>>>>>>>>>           RbsMsg*  data =  (RbsMsg*) ( call
>>>>>>>>> Packet.getPayload(&pkt,sizeof(RbsMsg)));
>>>>>>>>>           data->count = counter;
>>>>>>>>>            if( call
>>>>>>>>> AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR,&pkt,sizeof(RbsMsg)) == SUCCESS)
>>>>>>>>>            {
>>>>>>>>>              dbg("Base","Packet sent %s.\n",sim_time_string());
>>>>>>>>>              busy= TRUE;
>>>>>>>>>              counter++;
>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>     else
>>>>>>>>>        dbg("Base","was not SUCCESSFULL %s .\n",sim_time_string());
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>> event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t* bufPtr, error_t error)
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>     if (&pkt == bufPtr) {
>>>>>>>>>       busy = FALSE;
>>>>>>>>>       dbg("Base","send Done %s .\n",sim_time_string());
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> and this is my simulation code with python :
>>>>>>>>> #! /usr/bin/python
>>>>>>>>> import sys
>>>>>>>>> import random
>>>>>>>>> from TOSSIM import *
>>>>>>>>> t = Tossim([])
>>>>>>>>> r =;
>>>>>>>>> for i in range (0, 3):
>>>>>>>>>  m = t.getNode(i);
>>>>>>>>>  m.bootAtTime(1000 * i+ 1);
>>>>>>>>> r.add(1, 0, -54.0);
>>>>>>>>> r.add(1, 2, -54.0);
>>>>>>>>> r.add(0, 2, -20.0);
>>>>>>>>> r.add(2, 0, -20.0);
>>>>>>>>> t.addChannel("Boot",sys.stdout);
>>>>>>>>> t.addChannel("Base",sys.stdout);
>>>>>>>>> t.addChannel("Receive",sys.stdout);
>>>>>>>>> t.addChannel("Control",sys.stdout);
>>>>>>>>> for i in range(0, 20000):
>>>>>>>>>   t.runNextEvent();
>>>>>>>>> Would you help me please? i really need your helps.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Mojtaba Raznahan
>>>>>>>>> BS of Computer engineering
>>>>>>>>> TMU university
>>>>>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Tinyos-help mailing list
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Mojtaba Raznahan
>>>>>>> BS of Computer engineering
>>>>>>> TMU university
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>>>>>> Tinyos-help mailing list
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mojtaba Raznahan
>>>>> BS of Computer engineering
>>>>> TMU university
>>>> --
>>>> Mojtaba Raznahan
>>>> BS of Computer engineering
>>>> TMU university
>>> --
>>> Mojtaba Raznahan
>>> BS of Computer engineering
>>> TMU university
>>> ------------------------------
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tinyos-help mailing 
>>> listtinyos-h...@millennium.berkeley.edu
>> --
>> Mojtaba Raznahan
>> BS of Computer engineering
>> TMU university
> --
> Mojtaba Raznahan
> BS of Computer engineering
> TMU university

Mojtaba Raznahan
BS of Computer engineering
TMU university
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