On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Group <mailforgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> 1) Now i'm able to see that something is getting received, since the
> following
> message getting printed.
> "receive error for OscilloscopeMsg (AM type 147): invalid length message
> received
>  (too short)"
> I'm not able to understand why i'm getting this error. I tried to debug by
> keeping the
>  prints for 'length' and 'temp.template.dataGet().length' in Receiver.java.
> Compiled it and
> reran the SerialForwarder (using java command) and the Oscilloscope(using
> ./run).
> The changes are not reflected and still getting the error message.
> 2) For the meantime, i used Listen to print the packets. I would like to
> generate multihop
> environment with 3 motes like a tree of root(moteId 0) -> nonleaf (moteId 1)
> ->
> leaf (moteId 2). How can i run and verfiy with MultiHopOscilloscope?.
> please let me know. Thanks.

Move node 1 to the edge of transmission range of mote 0. Then move
node 2 to the edge of transmission range of node 1. You can monitor
the delivery ratio to know if you are near such an edge.

- om_p

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